12V hashwhy MicroUPS for Routers & Modems | Up to 14 hours backup

12V hashwhy MicroUPS for Routers & Modems

hashwhy has introduced MicroUPS 12V series for routers, modems and other 12V devices, which needs upto 2A of continuous current. The most important query that is asked is about the backup duration to be expected for the devices, especially the routers.

hashwhy MicroUPS 12V comes with 2 models, which differs in their sole purpose and battery capacity. The smaller version comes with 5000mAh and the other version comes with 10000mAh battery capacity, which is ample enough for a long power outage. Both have the same dimensions and power capabilities, though the bigger one has almost 100g of additional weight

hashwhy 12V 2A MicroUPS 5000mAh version is designed for people who experience small outages frequently and once in a while, experience longer outages. The bigger, 10000mAh version is for people who experience longer and more frequent outages. It will mostly last for long hours to let you complete your work or gaming in peace, without interruption.

To find the back up hours, we tested the MicroUPS with a few routers, such as the Jio FTTH router, which is rates 12V 2A, the iBall ADSL 2+ router which consumes 12V 1A, BSNL FTTH Modem from Alphion, GPON from other vendors such as Asianet, ACT, Hathway, DEN, KeralaVision, Airtel and a few other private vendors. The power consumptions varied with devices though they were rated for the same absolute maximum power ratings. For instance, a device rated 12V 1A used more power at times than another device which was rated for the same 12V 1A.

The power consumption also varied with the speed of connectivity and the number of devices connected for the same make router. For instance, Jio FTTH Fiber router which is rated for 12V 2A, consumed about 50% more current when data was transmitted at 100mbps, than when it was idle. Given below is the expected backup hours which was obtained while testing with various devices. The backup hours can vary depending on your device, but this should stand as a benchmark on which version should you go for. For instance hashwhy MicroUPS 12V 2A 10000mAh could be used as UPS for Jio Fiber FTTH modem and when transmitting data at 100mbps, it gave a backup duration of 6 hours.

The above data is compiled from various devices which as rated for the absolute maximum given in the bubble on the left. The backup hours experienced are given as a bar graph correspondingly.